Wednesday, September 21, 2016



freddie vargas said...

Yo when I saw Cespedes hit that ball I thought for sure that it was a walk off so I was ready to celebrate a win, talk about a punch in the gut. I remember Ender Inciarte doing it to the Mets in a series last year and writing about it, I think he was with the Diamondbacks, he is that gritty player I like the Mets to go after instead of this one dimensional Jay Bruce who I told you I wanted no part of, I hope the Mets don't bring him back next year.

That's the thing with these teams that have nothing to play for, I'm a bit worry about the Marlins who always play the Mets tough and the Phillies who they play 7 times are not just going to roll over and play out the year, these are division teams unlike the Reds who were just going though the motions.

Unknown said...

I'm a big fan of Inciarte. He was a staple on my Draft Kings team last year. He's one of "those" guys, that you know who just have that knack to come up big in big spots.